
Flea & Tick Prevention With Essential Oils

It is that time of year again and everyone wondering how to prevent fleas and ticks naturally.  Now if you are like me you have tried a whole range of things over the years but every year have had a failure.   However, that was until I started using pure essential oils with actual constituents in them that fleas do not like!   When you buy cheap oils they don't have this same chemical profile or they are just fragrance which is no good at all.  Essential oils are highly potent chemical compounds that are derived from plants (roots, seeds, bark, flowers - you name it!) Essential oils provide all the basic functions the plant needs to survive, from assistance in pollination to protection from environmental threats. When essential oils are distilled and prepared for us to utilize, they go to work supporting our bodies and our pets just as they would the plant. 

All essential oils are not created equally. Unfortunately, many essential oils on the market are contaminated or adulterated in some way. There is no regulating agency in the essential oil world, so MANY companies generally tend to cut corners. When you are looking for oils that are safe and effective, the most important thing to be on the lookout for is purity. 

When oils are pure, you are able to experience the full benefits with just 1-2 drops - get your oils from my store and if you take out a wholesale account you also get access to all my member benefits too!

Now prevention is always easier than cure and if you do have a flea infestation it may be easier to just suck it up and get a good spot on treatment for your pet and spray for the house (yes it is crucial to do that too) it can take up to 3 months to break the life-cycle of the flea so consistency is crucial if trying to rid and infestation.

I have a full protocol for this so do get in touch if you really want to hit it naturally.

Anyway let’s talk about prevention and it is really easy to utlise the natural abilities of the plant to help keep your pet free of these critters.

Now I wash my dogs daily - disabled dogs plus springers mean they all need a wash.  I make my own soap and use a flea/tick repelling blend of oils but this is an easy liquid shampoo recipe for you.

Now sprays are also so convenient and so mix up this and spray before your pet goes outside or every 8 hours if like me you are camping.

Enjoy this nice diffuser blend too for keeping your home critter free and also it is a lovely calming recipe too.

Now if this all seems too much like hard work, why not keep it simple and just use Terrashield.  I have been using Terrashield now for 3 years and guess how many times I've had to resort to chemicals in that time?  A big fat zero!  Terrashield makes it super easy to have an effective recipe for your pets without having to buy loads of oils to make up a blend - it is always included in my dog kits!  For tick prevention if you are using the Europe formula - old style Terrashield add in 2 drops of peppermint, lemongrass, geranium or turmeric to the 30ml spray or 1 - 2 drops of each to maximise effectiveness.  If in the USA/ Canada the new formulation has what you need in it it will just need to be diluted depending on the size of your dog.  

Drop me a message for more info or to find out about my membership and all the benefits.

Learn more about using essential oils safely and effectively by jumping on one of my classes - see links and don't forget to subscribe to my newsletter so you can be the first to know of any special offers.

Check out my latest YouTube Video on this too 

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