As another Healthful Dog Challenge draws to a close I thought I would write this blog on The Essential Dog Kit that I put together to meet a whole body and mind tool kit of natural solutions. Whether your dog is in perfect health or needing some support, this is idea. Start before there are problems as prevention is better than cure.
The idea for this came from repeat requests for a starter kit for dogs and so I thought about what I use on a daily basis for my dogs and hey presto this was the result.
Balance - this is a proprietary blend made out of Spruce, Ho Wood, Frankincense, Blue Tansy & Blue Chamomile with Fractionated Coconut Oil to give a beautiful fragrance that your dog won’t care about but it also creates a tranquil and relaxing environment. This is one of the first options I always suggest for dogs with any anxiety, reactivity or emotional issues. It is calming and grounding - it balances emotions and also helps to support physical balance too. In addition, I always suggest it as the basis for many of my protocols as it helps open the body ready to receive. It can be applied topically without dilution or diffused - it is a favourite of mine to use in car journeys too!

Copaiba - this fabulous oils works on a number of levels for physical and emotional health - it works on the CB2 receptors of the endocannabinoid system and is one I much prefer instead of CBD oil - I’ve written a
blog specifically about it so do check out here. You can apply it topically, aromatically or internally - over 6kg add 1 drop to each meal - for smaller dogs use the toothpick method.
Aromatouch - is a blend I love so much for musculoskeletal support for myself and my dogs it smells amazing but the benefits are massive. It is a blend of Peppermint, Marjoram, Basil, Lavender, Cypress and Grapefruit, known as the massage blend it is a soothing and stimulating for the body and ideal as a pre or post exercise choice. I use it before canicrossing with my dogs as well as using it to help keep my dogs with arthritis comfortable. Apply it topically to affected areas 2 to 4 drops in a 10ml roller is an ideal dilution.

On Guard - I absolutely love this blend for my own immune support and it is just as awesome for the dogs. It is called the protective blend and it does just that! This blend is a synergy of Clove, Cinnamon, Wild Orange and Rosemary and smells like Christmas but its so much more than an aroma. I use it daily in soap to keep my dogs clean and protected, they have it internally at the first sign of ill health, I diffuse it when we are going to a canicross event and add it to their food as a support for their immune system - 1 drop over 10kg body weight - under 10kg use the toothpick method. It is also great to diffuse if they have picked up any respiratory or digestive bugs to help cleanse the air, support their respiratory system and support the immune system of other dogs in the house.

Fractionated coconut oil - this is ideal for diluting the oils as it is non greasy and won’t harm your dogs if they lick the area it is applied. this carrier oil will easily absorb into the skin which is ideal for topical application, it also provides a soothing barrier and is great for troubled skin. It is not greasy, has no odour and won’t stain either!

Terrashield - how I love this in the summer - I am a mosquito magnet so I love having Terrashield to keep the critters away but it also works for the dogs! I have tried natural flea and tick repellents for years - but every year they let me down however, since using Terrashield it has now been 3 years since we have been troubled with any fleas or ticks! Super chuffed no nasty chemicals for my guys - the blend in the UK is not effective against ticks so you must add 2 drops of either peppermint, turmeric or geranium to the bottle (when you order from me you get this send to you). For those in the USA and Canada you have the new blend that is also affective against ticks! However, with some potent oils in the new blend it must be diluted 50% or 25% in smaller dogs. For UK peeps the Terrashield is safe to use as is, however in small dogs I would dilute it to 50%

The Petal Diffuser this is a great one for use in the home and with an intermittent setting it is ideal for your dogs. Using this kind of diffuser is the only way you should be diffusing essential oils - none of those tea lights as the heat can alter the chemical structure of the oil and so will alter the benefits and fragrance you expect. This covers an area up to 30 square metres and means it is also a very cost-effective way of using the CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade oils. It has settings for 2 and 6 hours continuously and 12 hours intermittently including the ability to have the light on or off.
This fabulous kit comes with a bespoke plan so you know to use it for your dogs as well as continued support in my membership group as well as access to a variety of courses including my Essential Oils For Pets Course and various courses for you too! Not to mention eBooks and recipes to ensure you and your dog get the most out of the oils.
To order pop to my
shop or drop me a message to
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