Essential Oils are volatile aromatic compounds that are harvested and steam distilled or cold pressed from the leaves, bark, fruit, flowers, stems, roots, or other parts of plants. These powerful and potent compounds can be used aromatically, topically, and (under the supervision of a certified aromatherapist or healthcare professional or veterinarian) even internally safely and effectively for amazing health benefits and overall wellness.
Essential oils are 50 to 70 times more powerful than herbs with all that power contained in 1 little drop and because we have so many different ways to use them they can help in so many ways. Essential oils work at a cellular level and when we use them we are working to restore the body to balance whether that is physically or emotionally.
Essential oils are a great medium to practice self -selection - helping your pet find their own remedy by seeing what they choose to inhale and strange as it may sound provides amazing insights into what your dog is thinking and astounding results in restoring harmony, mind and body.

Animals have an olfactory system that leaves ours standing, we have approximately 5-6 million scent receptors but dogs, for example, have 2-300 million. There ability to utilise aroma is fascinating and I never cease to be amazed at watching my dogs scenting, especially my blind dog who sense of smell is even sharper. Animals also have a secondary olfactory system too that goes straight to the emotional centres of the brain bypassing the area that processes information. By harnessing aroma as a modality we can provide amazing benefits to our pets for their emotional support which can certainly help their physical body too. I’ve used essential oils to put my blind dog Inka at ease when scared as a training aid to help her become desensitised to a metal gate that freaks her and as a means of finding out what ails her.
But aroma is just one way by also applying just 1 drop of blended oil to their body to assist their physical health can make a massive different in supporting so many different aspects of their physical body systems. Whether through self-selection or owners choice it is so easy to apply these blends to restore equilibrium.
Watch my latest FB Live video on this topic
How versatile they are and we haven’t even touched on internal use which if you have oils that are pure verified by GC/MS and labelled as safe for internal use can benefit the body systemically and trust me it is much easier to mix and hide a drop of essential oil rather than a tbsp of herbs to your dogs food in order to provide the support they need for even the fussiest of eaters.
3 ways to use the oils and all essential oils have multiple benefits which you have a completely multi-purpose modality to support the health and well-being of your pet. You don’t need countless tubs for this and that, just a few choice oils that have a huge array of benefits that you can “mix and match” as your pets needs evolve and change!
Oh and you can share them too! Making it extremely cost-effective isn’t that the ultimate natural solution?
Drop me a message if you would like to learn more about using essential oils for you or your pets!