- Wrong Product
- Wrong Use
- Wrong Need
- Wrong Choice
- Wrong Technique
When people tell me their natural remedies are not working I always ask what they are using, where they got them, etc Because buying just off the shelf is often not the best idea, there maybe multiple reasons an animal behaves the way it does, pain, for example can cause major behaviour changes but it may not be obvious the animal is in pain as they hide it so well.
Going to someone like me, an Animal Aromatherapy Specialist for help means you get all the guidance you need plus follow up as well. I approach my animal clients the same way I approach my human patients and find out the best way to help them, I want to gather all the evidence I can, I ask a lot of questions, history, food, activity, neutering status, likes, dislikes and that is how I can help you use natural solutions to help your animal or you!
When clients invest in their health I want to invest in them and I am a specialist in animal aromatherapy - I know the techniques to use, the products that will help, the dilutions and so on - whether you have a consultation with me or buy oils from me - you get a complete package and I give you the best tips on how to use the products for your pets needs, we create a plan - buying off Amazon or a shop does not give you that same help.

There is an abundance of essential oils on the market but over 80% have been found to be adulterated in some way -(read more
here whether that is through pesticide use, dilution or being a synthetic - if you use the wrong product you won’t get the benefits you expect. Lavender is an amazing product for so much and so many pets but a lot of dogs find it too overpowering. Let’s look at digestive health - troubled with constipation maybe… why? Or is it stress related? Or due to the food being served? Or poor gut health? By engaging your dog in the process of self-selection we can do some really effective detective work and find out exactly what it is they need.
There are so many different reasons that may be causing the imbalance in your pets health but working together I help you find the natural solution. And find the best way to use it too. Do they need it diffused? Topical and applied where? Or maybe they need to take it internally?
There are many reasons natural solutions don’t work - not the fact that they are not effective.
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