Why DoTerra

I was getting a bit frustrated with medicine a couple of years ago because I just felt that everything we do is reactive which is very much the way of conventional medicine and I wanted to do something that was more proactive but emergency medicine does not really lend itself to that!.  I was interested in a lot of different modalities but there were a lot of reasons why they either weren't suitable or they just didn't fully resonate with me and so I just didn't really know what to do.

I actually got into using essential oils originally for my skin but I didn't really know that much about them until I started using them to help my anxious dog Inka and was amazed.   So I thought well you know what I wouldn't mind doing this as a bit of a business because I was by that point spending a lot of money on oils for my all dogs and I wanted to try and make some savings.   So I then started to look around at different essential oil companies but there were a number of things that were and still are important to me and needed to be taken into account if I was to take this forward.

Frstly, I didn't have a lot of money to put down first, I didn't really have any to be honest!
I certainly didn't have space to store item or to do therapies - 6 dogs, a cat and a bunny take up a lot of room!
I didn't have a place to sell items and am not very organised so going to the post office and posting things didn't really appeal.
I wanted to have the support of an organisation even though it would be my own business
Also the opportunity to kind of learn as I went along as some of the financial outlay to do courses in the start was just too prohibitive for what I wanted to do.

Once I started to think more I realised there were other things too that I wanted to align with:

I wanted to make sure that they were environmentally friendly as well and they also cared about the environment they were getting the oils from too because sustainability is so important if we continue to destroy the planet as we are at the moment we're not going to have anything left and so the same goes for anything from plants to the earth in general.

Frankincense for example has been a case in point and  a lot of the trees have suffered from over harvesting of the resin.  doTerra has actually done an awful lot to combat this in the areas it is harvested with educating  people about sustainability and so the crop  is sustained for many generations to come.

I also wanted to make sure that they were ethical not just for people like myself who sell essential oils but more importantly from the people that they were buying the oils from.   Many of these essential oils come from third world countries where whole families and communities really rely on what is produced from their ground and the trees and the flowers and so often companies are ripping people off and paying a pittance for something then selling at a higher price to consumers like me.   I've learnt a lot about this over the years and really became aware as a flight attendant and frequent travelling to India and also when I worked for B&Q as a medical student because that was something that B&Q were quite passionate about as well as making sure that factories etc had high standards of health and safety and also that they were sourcing products ethically.

The more research I did the more  I kept coming back to doTerra as being the natural choice for me.  It actually took me nearly a year to make this decision!  

 I love the fact that they have a medical and veterinary panel as well to ensure the highest standards of of oils being used correctly.  Also the way they test for oils, now I've been anti vivi-section for well over 30 years so The doTerra commitment to never testing on animals means a great deal to me.  They have a very high standard of in-house testing and independent testing to ensure that their oils are of the highest quality and sadly for smaller producers of essential oils this is where money talks because the smaller cannot produce that same quality of oil they cannot do that same testing to ensure that each batch of oils has a certain level of constituents in and doesn't have any contamination and this really holds doterra up and above all the rest.  

The latest market research shows that 75% of essential oils on the market are not pure. The majority of adulteration is done in the brokerage side of things, a whopping 70% so most frontline sellers won’t know this at all, 10 % done at the distillation plant, another 10% done via the distributors and a further 10% is unable to be discovered.  This concerned me greatly about other oils even though I did not know as much then as I do now but  I wanted to use something natural and yet if it is contaminated then you are not getting the benefits!  And with animals being so much more sensitive it was imperative to me that they only had the best.  The doTerra standard is actually so good it is used within clinical trials and doTerra Lavender is referred to pharmacology journals as the gold standard more and more.

The more I found out about the company the more it seemed like it  was a natural choice for me to start my essential oil business and I have never regretted it.  

It's been the most wonderful two and a half years and I love working with people to help them do the same so if you'd like to know more about how you could have your own essential business or use essential oils just drop me a message because this is an ideal opportunity for anyone if they want to work from home to do it as a stand-alone business or add an adjunct onto something else or maybe just a little bit of extra money to to buy the kids some extra toys.  

A doTerra  business is something that has so many different opportunities and so much variety however you want to do it, the world really is your oyster!

Drop me a message about working with me to create your own opportunity.

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