The peppermint plant is a hybrid of water mint and spearmint and was first described by Carl Linnaeus in 1753. Peppermint is a fantastic oil but for one oil that is so common it actually can be found in the extremes on the quality scale and it's really important to obtain a peppermint from a high quality source and the doterra one is absolutely ideal. A high menthol content—like that found in the doTERRA Peppermint essential oil—distinguishes the best quality Peppermint oil from other products. Purity is very important in a study ¾ peppermints were found to be fake and when you don’t use a pure oil you miss out on all the benefits and poor quality oils can be risky to pets who are more sensitive..

The main chemical component in Peppermint oil is menthol. Menthol has a monoterpene backbone with an alcohol functional group. Menthol contains energizing properties that contribute to the overall energizing effect of Peppermint oil. Menthol is known to soothe the smooth muscle such as in the colon and this relaxant property occurs due to menthol’s ability to keep calcium channels working optimally. The relaxing of colon smooth muscle reduces the movement of bowels, which eases occasional bowel looseness. Because of this effect, menthol is a main contributor to Peppermint oil’s ability to promote digestive health.
Peppermint is often viewed as a driving oil so that means it can actually enhance the penetration of other oils so it's a really good one to be applied after layering several other oils in a topical application. Peppermint has got so many properties to it - it really is so versatile and one of those must haves for our pets. It can support an anti-inflammatory environment as well as be supportive to the immune system and for protecting the body against seasonal and environmental threats - got an itchy dog then this is really useful as well as helping repel critters too. I like to add 2 drops to Terrashield to repel ticks. Those same properties that apply to the digestive system also apply to the muscular system and all the challenges that that presents as well.

Peppermint is a popular oil to support memory and focus which are 2 components of cognitive function although the research as to why is still on -going and obviously related to humans there is no reason we can’t make the assumption that it will be useful for our pets too. A recent study performed in a collaboration between scientists from the UK and Duke University, looked at an in vitro analysis to assess the ability of peppermint amongst other essential oils oils to bind to key receptos and enzymes found in the brain such as GABA and cholinergic receptors which modulate cognitive performance. Preliminary testing identified spearmint and peppermint oils as the most promising due to the propensity of these oils to bind to GABA and cholinergic receptors. GABA is a neurotransmitter known for producing a calming effect and is thought to play a major role in anxiety, stress and fear.
The researchers found that peppermint essential oil had a positive effect on cognition during the execution of difficult mental tasks. In addition, peppermint essential oil significantly reduced cognitive fatigue. So definitely an oil to try to help with dog training who might lack focus or be overstimulated by the world around them.
In young children there is a bit of a concern with using peppermint in under 18 months old - the evidence is inconclusive and heavily diluted there appear to be no concerns. Interestingly this condition is not being witnessed in animals but again it would always be wise to be cautious with small animals such as puppies and kittens - the key is always dilution. It's often viewed that cats don't like peppermint and the suggestion to avoid use but in actual fact it's more to do with how peppermint is applied rather than a function of peppermint itself. Peppermint is a strong smelling oil so it may be uncomfortable to a cat or any animal think about inhaling peppermint yourself up your nose and how even then it can irritate the eyes - the same for dogs too it really does pack a bit of a punch although my cat Holly absolutely loves it when I put peppermint on and she's all around me but obviously I am applying it very dilute.
I do diffuse peppermint as well particularly first thing in the morning along with wild orange to wake me up - and the dogs all seem to like it.
There are a number of fabulous ways to use it to support the health of our pets and can be used in a number of different ways for them again dilute appropriately and can be used for horses and other other pets as well such as small exotics - another popular one for my bunny. As a general rule for pets under 10kg dilute 1 drop in 1 tbsp of fractionated coconut oil and in pets over 10kg dilute in 1 tsp.
Peppermint is also wonderful for emotional health and can bring upliftment and help support a break from something that is weighing them down - a good one to diffuse when the emotional bucket is overflowing and calming an overactive mind.
Peppermint is a very revitalizing oil and a great one for pets to apply it diluted over the large arteries in the groin but be careful to avoid the genitals, last year during the heatwave I used it to support cooling as well as other cooling measures as well.

Peppermint is fascinating in its mechanism of action so when you touch it you're not sure if it's burning or cooling so for example it will on burns for example feel cooling but it can also help to warm and relax muscles. This ice pack effect reduces blood flow to the area alleviating information and pain so a great one to utilise for our pets with arthritis or after an injury as a first aid measure. This response happens because menthol activates the TRPM8 receptor, an indicator of cold.3* Peppermint can also help bring sensation to otherwise numb areas and can also numb superficial nerve receptors under the skin so it's a really good remedy for anything that's uncomfortable on the skin but you need to be mindful that it could also exacerbate anything that's painful in that way as well.
So why not give this amazing oil a go and see how versatile it is for your pets. If you want to learn more about using essential oils and how they can help your health and that of your pets get in touch to find out how I can help you with a tailored plan for you. Want to get oils then drop me a message and I can sort you out with 25% off oils.
Information given here is not intended as a substitute for medical or veterinary consultation - the author has no liability nor responsibility with respect to any issues occurring out of use such as damage, loss, injury.