Lavender, also known as the Swiss Army knife of essential oils, is rightly nicknamed that due to its versatility the literal Queen of Essential Oils.
This is definitely a must-have oil for you and your pets. Many people are familiar with the calming and relaxing properties of Lavender so we will begin there! In times of stress, Lavender can be your pets BFF. Add a few drops to their diffuser and help them unwind but it is important to be aware that 50% of dogs don't like lavender? This is why a lot of general calming blends you buy off the shelf don't work, so it can easily be seen as essential oils not working when it is infact the wrong oil for the need.

Puppies tend to like it and often elderly dogs but the group in between can be fickle. There are several alternatives and my favourite is Petitgrain which is a lovely fresh smelling citrus like oil which is actually distilled from the leaves and twigs of the bitter orange tree. Another favourite alternative is Balance blend. Lavender is great for the elderly dogs and helping to relax those with canine cognitive dysfunction it also promotes the release of oxytocin the cuddle hormone so it really is worth checking out to see if your dog or other animal gets benefit from it.
Lavender is also wonderful for the skin. It will soothe any imperfections and is great for assisting with any little scrapes. I also like to recommend it for seasonal threats as it has antihistamine abilities so can be very beneficial if your pet does not get on skinwise with their environment. .
It is a natural flea repellent as well as other critters so it is a great one for diffusing or applying topically when those seasons come a calling.
One fact about lavender that is often overlooked is its ability to soothe the musculoskeletal system so consider using it when your pet needs a bit of extra support.
My bunny Doris used to love lavender and it worked a treat for her when she needed some emotional support for gastrointestinal issues.
Dilute with fractionated coconut oil - for bunnies I like a 1 drop in 10mls dilution and similar for cats up to 6 drops for larger dog.
Want to get essential oils for your pets or have them already but not sure how best to use them?
Get in touch to find out how I can help.