I often mention my dog Toffee and how her allergies and gut intolerances lead me down this amazing path of integrative medicine. When you have a dog or cat or…. with skin and gut issues it is important you approach healing with an holistic approach and everything is the sum of all the parts and no body system is in isolation. My poor beautiful girl had terribly inflamed and itchy skin and a continual upset tummy. I didn’t know much but I had this sense that what I used in the home had an effect so I started researching and going back to basics. The first thing I did was unplug the plug in air freshener and that little action made a massive difference and although there was still more to unpick it became clear I was on the right track. By eliminating common household products and going back to natural ones I helped her skin heal and food adjustment did the rest.

So let us look at nutrition first - dogs were descended from village dogs thousands of years ago and their digestive system was designed to be living on scraps and what it scavenged - now I am not saying feed your dogs scraps the point is - processed food and kibble has only been around a few decades and their bodies like our own are not designed to process it. Since the advent of processed food there has been a sharp increase in allergies and intolerances and the skin and gut has suffered as a result.
I am a big fan of raw food but whether that is for you, what I would say is used the least processed food available for your dog as processed food is lacking in crucial digestive enzymes that break down the food and provide crucial energy to cells for them to function optimally. That is why diet is so crucial and the basis of improving health and wellness.
Some amazing supplements that can support your dogs health and well-being can really aid in this area.
Some amazing supplements that can support your dogs health and well-being can really aid in this area.
I particularly like to add in a digestive enzyme complex that helps the digestion of proteins, complex carbs, sugars and fats and if we are deficient in these enzymes our body has to divert other resources for metabolic function towards the production of digestive enzymes and therefore optimal cell function and therefore health can be compromised as free radicals for example that contribute to the inflammatory process cannot be held in check.
Ensuring good gut function is vital and the onslaught on our bodies including stress and use of antibiotics also via meat that is ingested can cause a dysfunction in gut bacteria which due to the synergy between the gut and brain can cause digestive issues along with emotional difficulties and vice versa. So repopulating the gut with a pro-biotic can be vital and I like to add in a 10 day course of a good probiotic.
Omega 3 is also of great benefit in helping to support the skin as well as a wholes host of other functions so its addition at a therapeutic level to your dog's meal is of great benefit - 1000mg/10kg body weight - I like wild fish oil best and avoid anything farmed. Plant based sources of omega 3 are not as bioavailable to our dogs as they are to us so it is best to stick to marine sources.
Animals like humans are very susceptible to toxins around the home and what you use on yourself as well can have a detrimental effect. In my previous post I mentioned how the home is estimated to be 2-5x more polluted than the air outside so minimising these threats makes a massive difference.
Using natural products around the home and diffusing immune supporting oil can help minimise these environmental and seasonal threats that can play havoc with our dogs skin and intestinal health. Plus essential oils can be used in a variety of ways to support the body from the inside and out to calm and soothe itchy skin and help balance it so that the your dog stops scratching - I wish I had had this knowldege when I had Toffee as I would have been able to help her far quicker and simpler. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
Many oils are great to support the immune response with oils providing soothing and balancing properties to itchy and inflamed skin so there really is a whole heap of things you can do to help to assist your dog naturally. Itchiness can also cause a whole variety of behaviour problems too as imagine being so uncomfortable but you can't explain to someone because they don't speak your language!
One such success story below with a stunning Boston Terrier who was struggling.
Incredible - Daniella K
"I contacted Helene to help my Boston Terrier with his itchy skin. Having tried cytopoint, apoquel and other treatments over 5 years with no success he was suffering really badly- rashes, chewed paws, and red raw ears. Steroids were the only thing that brought him any relief but I didn’t want him on them forever – they made his coat and skin dry and changed his appetite and behaviour.
Helene advised on a programme of essential oils and natural supplements (I was a huge skeptic with nothing to lose) and some small dietary changes as he was already raw fed.
Wow is all I can say! His ears have not been infected since, the fur has grown back on them as he’s not scratching all the time and he sleeps through the night without constant discomfort.
We’ve enjoyed the summer with the least effect of seasonal threats he’s ever had! It did take a couple of months to find the right doses and regime that worked for him so if you’re new to it, trust the process!
Helene is an expert and went above and beyond to help. Couldn’t recommend highly enough or thank her enough to be honest."
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Itchy Pet Kit which comes with full instructions and access to my private members area too and all the benefits that confers and begin your journey to more balanced skin for your dog.
If you would like to learn more about how I can help your itchy pet
drop me a message to find out about my consultations or check them out