Rose Essential Oil

The Essence of Elegance: Rose Essential Oil

One oil I never thought was more than just a pretty fragrance was Rose oil - oh how wrong I was.  I had originally ordered it to support my blind dog Inka and from the moment it arrived and she tried to get into the box before it was even opened my interest was piqued and I came to learn that it offers a myriad of health benefits that have been celebrated for centuries.  Check out my pet blog for more on my experience with this

The rose plant does not yield much oil making this a very expensive oil to produce but it is worth it and you just don’t get the same benefits from its poor cousin of the absolute variety.

In the heart of Bulgaria, amidst the picturesque petals of the Rosa damascena plant, lies the source of this most cherished essential oil in the world—doTERRA's Rose Essential Oil. Revered for its complex, floral aroma and profound health benefits, this essential oil is not only a symbol of love and purity but also a testament to the meticulous care and tradition that goes into its production.

The journey of doTERRA's Rose Essential Oil begins before the dawn breaks, as skilled harvesters handpick the delicate rose petals. This task is performed with precision and gentleness to ensure the highest quality. The timing is crucial; the roses must be collected swiftly after the morning dew has evaporated but before the sun's rays diminish their potent fragrance.

Once harvested, the petals undergo a careful steam distillation process. It takes an astonishing 10,000 rose petals to produce just one 5ml bottle of doTERRA's Rose Essential Oil, making it one of the most labor-intensive and precious oils to produce.

doTERRA's commitment to purity and quality ensures that every drop of Rose Essential Oil is free from fillers or synthetic ingredients. This means you're experiencing the oil in its most authentic and potent form, just as nature intended.  

Rose Essential Oil is more than just a feast for the senses it has a bouquet of benefits and here are a few ways this oil can enhance your well-being:

Emotional Balance: The aroma of Rose Essential Oil is known to be a powerful mood enhancer, capable of soothing emotions and creating a sense of peace and well-being.  This oil is known as being rich in life force with high vibrations yielding powerful energy meaning it can support those in all stages of health and when the time comes to support a peaceful transition.

Skin Rejuvenation:  Rose oil is a beauty powerhouse, renowned for its hydrating and anti-aging properties. It can help improve skin texture, tone, and elasticity, giving you a youthful and radiant complexion.

Hormonal Support: For women, Rose Essential Oil can be a gentle ally, offering support during times of hormonal shifts and providing comfort during the menstrual cycle.

Immune Boost: With its antiseptic properties, Rose Essential Oil can also support the immune system, helping to protect the body from external threats.

Brain Support: Rose oil helps create balance to the nervous system especially for those struggling with dissociative episodes when used daily.

Purefume: Enjoy the fragrance of this most special of oils and enjoy being enveloped in its unique energy.

Whether you're diffusing it to create a calming atmosphere, applying it topically for its beautifying benefits, or using it as part of a personal perfume blend, doTERRA's Rose Essential Oil is a versatile addition to any health and wellness routine.

Embrace the essence of the rose garden and let doTERRA's Rose Essential Oil be a fragrant reminder of nature's incredible gifts to our health.

Want to get it - pop here or why not take advantage of a wholesale account and all the benefits I have to offer my members - drop me a message for more info.  

Information given here is not intended as a substitute for medical or veterinary consultation - the author has no liability nor responsibility with respect to any issues occurring out of use such as damage, loss, injury.

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