Helichrysum is one of my favourite oils for my skin, probably what it is best known for but it has a huge range of benefits and in regular use for my dogs and their musculoskeletal system - those benefits I have also been the recipient of as well. I really do love this oil for its huge versatility.
Helichrysum is a small perennial herb with golden flowers and silver leaves. The name is derived from the Greek “helios” meaning sun and chrysos meaning gold, it has been used in herbal practices since ancient Greece and is highly valued and sought after for its many health benefits. Commonly known as Everlasting or Immortal for its rejuvenating benefits in anti-ageing products.
Chemically it is derived from a chemical group called esters which are generally known to help with calming and relaxing and balancing to mood and reducing stress so don’t forget to diffuse it. Along with these emotional benefits esters can also have similar effects to the physical body not least the skin and the neryl acetate that is the primary constituent provides a floral and fruity aroma.
The oil can benefit the skin in a myriad of ways whether you want to help acne and promote a complexion that glows or target ageing spots, use this daily in your routine against fine lines and wrinkles as it can help to promote healthy skin regeneration I use it nightly as part of the blend Salubelle/Immortelle and have noticed a huge difference but also use it alone too on a couple of imperfections on my legs and been very impressed.. Spent too long in the sun? Then grab your helichrysum to calm that uncomfortable skin and get it looking tip top again before you know it.

Helichrysum is very soothing to the skin when used after shaving and great to keep angry skin soothed especially in any areas you may have nicked. It is very good when applied over a bruise or a cut to help promote healing of irritated, inflamed or blemished skin. Have it ready for your kids and their ouchies or any banged noses, inhale directly from the bottle to help soothe those crys and apply over the bridge of the nose. When I fell off my bike a few weeks ago on impacted ice on a bridge, my cheek hit the ground - fortunately my helmet absorbed a lot of impact (still ended up as a patient where I work having an XR before my shift!!) I immediately put Deep Blue on which has helichrysum in it on my cheek and I literally had no bruising - quite incredible as my cheek remained touching impacted ice for about 20 metres as we continued to slide down the bridge!
Using pure helichrysum oil such as that from doTerra means that it may also help promote a healthy metabolism when taken internally either dropping a couple of drops directly in the mouth, in a glass of water or in a veggie capsule. Helichrysum is also great for supporting the heart and helping with blood pressure so apply it to the back of the neck and inhale as mentioned above. Utilising helichrysum for supporting detoxification of liver detoxification is really useful as well plus it supports the breakdown of fatty acids and bile production. In its capacity as the main organ for detoxification and given our homes are 2 to 5 xmore polluted than the air outside supporting our liver on a daily basis is ideal for modern living and apply it diluted on the right below your rib cage.
Great in a massage this oil can be used to promote vitality along with its energising aroma and evidence also suggests that helichrysum is supportive for the musculoskeletal system as an antioxidant rich addition and I’ve certainly seen the benefits of that for me and my pooches.
It is also a wonderful oil for supporting the brain and nervous system. It contains unique fat soluble compounds such as acetophenone and terpenoids (remember the neryl acetate I mentioned above - well that constituent is good here too) which can really help support the nervous and as helichrysum has some of the highest level of terpenoids it is the number one oil to use to support any type of nerve degeneration and cell regeneration or cognitive dysfunction such as Alzheimer's disease. Can be diffused or apply to neck or roof of mouth
Helichrysum blends well with other essential oils that are good for the skin such as melaleuca, myrrh, frankincense and lavender.
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Information given here is not intended as a substitute for medical or veterinary consultation - the author has no liability nor responsibility with respect to any issues occurring out of use such as damage, loss, injury.