Red Light Therapy - Shedding Light On The Power Of Healing

Red light therapy is a hot topic in the health and wellness community, and for good reason! This science-based therapy uses red and near-infrared light to promote cellular function and improve overall well-being tp shine a light on your body's natural healing abilities and discover a whole new world of wellness.

So, what exactly is red light therapy and how can it help us feel better?

Red light therapy involves exposing the body to low levels of red light, on the red and near infra-red part of the light spectrum from sources typically in the form of LEDs. This light penetrates deep into the skin, it is completely natural and non-invasive, it stimulates cells throughout that area of your body, without needing any recovery time afterwards.  Good cellular function is essential for a healthy body and when cells are depleted they don’t work as well - think of an empty battery before being recharged with energy. 

Red light therapy does this by increasing blood flow and stimulating cell regeneration. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the source of energy for use and storage at the cellular level and because it helps stimulate this energy source it means cells can complete their respiration cycle more efficiently which means less fatigue and healthier muscle tissue.  This process is known as photobiomodulation, meaning it uses light to stimulate cellular function. Specifically, red light in the 630-660nm wavelength range.

Studies have shown this to improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and promote the production of collagen and elastin, promote wound healing and even improves mood and sleep because the improved healing activates the body’s own pain relieving hormones and promotes relaxation hormones such as serotonin!

For those of use who don’t want to inject ourselves with toxins but would like a bit of a skin boost this is one of the most exciting benefits of red light therapy with its potential to promote anti-aging and skin rejuvenation. By stimulating collagen production, red light therapy can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as improve skin texture and tone. Some people also report that red light therapy can help to reduce acne and other skin conditions.
For those of us who are feeling a bit creaky or recovering from injury it is so useful too as this is a natural way to improve your overall wellness, utilizing these beneficial rays can help reduce inflammation, relieve pain and promote healing not just acute pain but chronic pain too such as osteoarthritis and fibromylagia to name just two.

Previously this kind of treatment was only available in salons or at clinics but enter the Photizo Red Light Therapy device which is a cutting-edge tool, essentially it is a handheld device that emits those beneficial wavelengths of light to stimulate the body's natural healing processes in the comfort of your own home and when you want it.

One of the best things about the Photizo device is its versatility for us and our pets. The same device can be used to treat a wide range of conditions, from chronic pain and arthritis to sports injuries and wound healing to promoting younger looking skin.  One press of the button gives a metered dose of light and then you move on to the next spot!  It is as easy as that, it's completely non-invasive and non-toxic, it's a safe and effective alternative to traditional pain management options.  

There is a great deal of real world evidence that has proved that red light therapy is hugely successful in accelerating the natural healing process and treating pain caused by a variety of health conditions and injuries. It’s been studied in hundreds of clinical trials and demonstrated amazing improvements in skin health, soft tissue healing, collagen production, physical performance and muscle recovery, sleep, joint pain, inflammation and much more besides.

One study published in the Journal of Athletic Training found that red light therapy reduced muscle fatigue and soreness in runners after a 5k race. Another study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that red light therapy improved knee extension strength and vertical jump performance in athletes. These results suggest that red light therapy could help runners recover faster and perform better.

Whether you're looking to reduce inflammation, improve your skin, or just feel more relaxed and balanced, the Photizo red light therapy devicecould be the answer you've been looking for. So why not give it a try and see how it can help you feel your best? With its ability to reduce pain, promote healing, and improve overall wellness, it's no wonder that so many people are turning to this innovative device for relief for themselves and their pets.

If you're interested in learning more about the Photizo device pop to my store today or drop me a message
As a runner myself, I'm grateful for the many benefits of red light therapy. It's a simple and natural way to support my body as I pursue my fitness goals and as mum to 4 dogs with arthritis I share those benefits with my canine gang too! 
So next time you hit the pavement, consider adding red light therapy to your recovery routine. Your body will thank you!

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