Biohacking Your Sleep

You already know that you’re supposed to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Sleep is so important for your mental health, cell turnover, and emotional wellbeing, and it's when your body clears neurotoxins from the brain.
Best practices for better sleep? Make your bedroom a sanctuary.

💤 Blackout curtains
💤 Air Purifier
💤 A cool 65-68 degrees F
💤 A diffuser with your favorite calming sleepy time blend starting 30 minutes before sleep
💤 Leading your body through a short series of stretches before bed
💤 Reduce your bluelight and EMF–ditch the TV from your bedroom, turn off the WIFI at night, and set your phone to airplane mode

Sleepy Time Blend

💧 3 drops Balance
💧 3 drops Peace

Tell me, who’s committing to quality sleep each night?

Did you know that your body cools down as it's time to go to sleep and warms back up when it’s time to wake up? 🤯
If the temp in your bedroom is too warm, it can throw off how you sleep or cause you to wake up in the middle of the night. Aim for 65 degrees F (18C) in your bedroom.
It is important to note that your PJs, sheets, and blankets all affect how you sleep.
Do you think 65 degrees F (18C) is too cold to sleep in?

The circadian rhythm, also known as your internal body clock, is responsible for making you feel alert and sleepy throughout the day. Ideally, you should feel most alert early in the morning and sleepy as it becomes darker and later in the day.

The circadian rhythm is the reason why teenagers find it difficult to go to bed and wake up early, because their melatonin is released later than adults and children, so they’re awake later. Jet lag and shift work also interfere with the natural body clock as well as long and irregular hours.
Get ready to hack your circadian rhythm for sleep:

✅ Go to bed and get up at the same time every day
✅ When you wake up, take a morning walk and get some sunlight on your face
✅ Try a sunlight alarm clock that wakes you up with light
✅ Pop citrus and mint oils in your diffuser to start waking up your senses

Scrolling Instagram, Tiktok, or watching TV just before bed are big culprits when it comes to sleep problems. (Not to mention that it impacts how much sex you are having before bed as well…)

📺 Our cell phones, laptops, and TVs all emit blue light. Blue light can affect your body’s natural circadian rhythm if exposed within 2 hours of going to sleep.

Blue light suppresses the production of melatonin, our naturally occurring sleep hormone, which tells your body it’s tired and needs to sleep. The sun emits blue light, which is why it's easy to wake up when the sun is shining in the window.

The easiest ways to prevent blue light from wreaking havoc on your sleep? Ditch the screens 2-3 hours before going to bed. Swap your screen habit for a good old-fashioned book. Try using blue blocker glasses when using screens or turn on your blue light blocker on your phone while scrolling.

Do you have trouble falling asleep at night?

“Drink a warm glass of milk before bed, that will help you sleep.”

How ‘bout “no”?🤢🤢🤢

If warm milk is your jam, go for it. It’s not mine. However there are foods you can incorporate at dinner or evening snacks, so when it comes to bedtime you can fall asleep and stay asleep.

✔️Whole grain cereal

Each of these boost your serotonin levels (the precursor to melatonin) which help you fall asleep faster. So, slice up half a banana over your cereal with milk and skip the melatonin gummy and see how you feel in the morning. 😉

Want more reasons to get in your daily movement? How about it supports better sleeping habits?

Exercise can help you to fall asleep faster and improve your sleep quality. In particular, exercise increases your overall sleep quality and lets you sleep longer. By exercising in the early morning or afternoon your body is ready for downtime at night.

Try to avoid exercising within two hours before you go to bed as strenuous activity at this time can stop you from falling asleep as exercise gives you a burst of energy to keep going for a few hours after.

Want those littles to fall asleep faster? Take them to the park to run around for at least 30 minutes in the afternoon. 

Essential oils are a great addition to your bedtime routine. Oils can change your physical state (awake vs asleep). Finding the right essential oils for you is just as easy as testing different diffuser blends and see how you feel in the morning. 

Try a diffuser blend, and then in the morning write what the blend was and how your sleep quality was. If you wear a Fitbit or a watch that monitors your sleep, add that date to your notes.

Oils that support sleep are:

💧 Magnolia (very high in linalool)
💧 Lavender
💧 Cedarwood
💧 Vetiver
💧 Serenity
💧 Frankincense
💧 Copaiba

Trouble drifting off to Dreamland? Difficulty staying asleep? Try this blend and roll along the bottoms of your feet when you are getting ready for bed and you’ll be dozing off in no time!
In a 10 mL roller add:
💧 10 drops Vetiver
💧 15 drops Lavender
💧 5 drops Frankincense
💧 5 drops Cedarwood
Top with your favorite carrier oil.

Want to get a bespoke plan to help you sleep and 25% off CPTG essential oils (verified 100% pure in other words) - drop me a message

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